First year of Phenogrid production runs

April 21, 2008

Phenogrid is a virtual organization on the LHC Computing Grid (LCG), providing support for UK particle theorists and phenomenologists who would like to use LCG’s computing resources in the UK.
One year ago, Phenogrid became fully operational for production use. Since then its 30 users have submitted nearly four hundred thousand jobs and used 1.4 million hours of CPU time on the UK’s share of the LHC Computing Grid. Phenogrid’s usage of UK resources compares well with that of other LHC experiments.
Using the Grid has allowed users to undertake studies (like the Herwig++ tune to LEP data before releases) which would have been impossible to do on a local cluster alone.
If you are interested in joining Phenogrid, please contact David Grellscheid or go to the Phenogrid site.