On this page we collect some templates for posters, conferences announcements, … in order to make your life easier and in order to create a kind of corporate identity for the IPPP.

Please contact alexander.lenz@durham.ac.uk for any comments.

Background Pictures

Particle Physics Dark
Particle Physics Light
Neutrino Event

Poster Templates

The latticeNeeded example is a basic example using the non-artistic background, showing some basic commands for controlling the blocks of text (the real life poster version is currently hanging next to OC209A)

There are two templates – standard and “artistic”. The main difference (if you use the same background) is the opacity of the background and text blocks.
The choice of background image is set using the \backgroundgraphic command.
The LaTeX template is based on the TikZposter class – see their page for more details on the options available for controlling colours, block style, etc, or if you want to understand the internals of the IPPP customisation.

Conference Posters