
Neutrinos from Home


Online Conference


Neutrinos from Home organisation

Start Date:


End Date:




We are very happy to announce the Neutrinos from Home conference, which will be held from 23–24 April & 30 April–1 May 2024.

Neutrinos from Home is an online conference with a novel format. This format, pioneered by Cosmology from Home, aims to bring the real-world workshop experience into the online domain. It includes the use of pre-recorded (and pre-watched) talks, and a combination of asynchronous and scheduled live discussions. A permanently-available and freely-navigated discussion space also facilitates ongoing and organic, face-to-face discussions.

The conference will bring together theorists and experimentalists in the high energy, cosmology and astrophysics communities, from around the world, to discuss the current state of neutrino physics, with special emphasis given to the interfaces between the disciplines. A continuously updated list of confirmed speakers can be found on the website homepage.

Abstract submission will close on 27 March at 23:59 UTC. However, decisions will be made on a rolling basis and the total number of talks will be limited.