Georg Weiglein

Department of Physics, IPPP

University of Durham
Science Laboratories
South Rd

Tel: +44-(0)191-334-3621 (direct)
Tel: +44-(0)191-334-3520 (Physics Office)
Fax: +44-(0)191-334-3658



Research areas

Coordination of research activities

        The Snowmass Points and Slopes (SPS): benchmarks for SUSY searches


          FeynHiggs and related programs:

            FeynHiggs and FeynHiggsFast are Fortran codes for the diagrammatic calculation of the masses
            of the neutral CP-even Higgs bosons in the MSSM at the two-loop level
            FeynHiggsFastC is an extension of FeynHiggsFast to the MSSM with complex parameters
            FeynHiggsXS is a program for calculating the production cross sections at e+e- colliders and
            branching ratios of the neutral CP-even Higgs bosons of the (real) MSSM


             TwoCalc is a Mathematica program for the algebraic reduction of massive two-loop 2-point
             functions in gauge theories, see  Nucl. Phys. B416 (1994) 606 (hep-ph/9310358)
             for a description
             Please contact me, if you are interested in obtaining the code

             Further programs related to the ones above: FeynArts, FormCalc, LoopTools, FeynCalc

Computer algebra

             I have acted as the contact person for physics in the  steering group of the ``Fachgruppe Computeralgebra'' of
             the German societies for Mathematics and Computer Science, DMV (Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung),
             GAMM (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) and GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik) from 1999
             to 2003.

             Twice a year the Fachgruppe Computeralgebra issues the ``Computeralgebra-Rundbrief'',
             which contains news about computer-algebra, conference infos, infos concerning
             publications about computer-algebra, etc.

Lecture notes from summer schools and academic training lectures

          Lecture given at the Central European School in Particle Physics, Prague, September 2007: ``Lectures on SM and SUSY Phenomenology''
          Lecture given at GK Workshop, University of Freiburg, Feldberg, October 2005: ``Renormalisation and Precision Physics''

          BUSSTEPP Summer School, London, August 2003: ``Lectures on Phenomenology''
          Problem Set 1  Problem Set 2 Problem Set 3 Problem Set 4

           Lecture given at the Linear Collider Physics School 2003, Ambleside: ``Interplay between LHC and LC''

           Lectures given at the ICTP Summer School, Trieste, June 2003, and the Graduate School in Physics at Colliders, Torino,  July 2003: ``Lectures on Supersymmetry''

           BUSSTEPP Summer School, Glasgow, August 2002: ``Lectures on Phenomenology''
           Lecture 1  Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4
           Problem Set 1  Problem Set 2 Problem Set 3 Problem Set 4

           DESY Academic Training Lectures, May 2002: ``Electroweak Physics: Preparing for TESLA''
           Lecture 1  Lecture 2  Lecture 3