Information Regarding Fee Payment

The school fee is 550 GBP for accommodation at St Aidan College (ensuite) and 500 GBP for accommodation at Collingwood College (shared facilities) which includes accommodation, all meals, and all conference costs. If accommodation is not required the reduced school fee is 320 GBP.
The fee should be paid by April 30th.
This can be paid by either a Bank Transfer or Credit Card Form.
Bank Details If paying by bank transfer please make payable to:
Barclays Bank,
Market Place,
DH1 3ND,

Sort Code: 20-27-41
Account Number: 60897507 University of Durham General Account
IBAN: GB46 BARC 2027 4160 8975 07

Please quote RF040132 415038 and your full name on the bank transfer.

If you are paying by bank transfer, please send us a copy of the transaction, when it has been made.
Credit Card Form The credit card form can be found here: http://www.i /~ross/invisibles13/school/creditcardformschool.pdf. Please return by FAX to : 0044 (0) 191 3343658 (Secure) .

Please note a cancellation fee of 100 GBP applies after 30th April.