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Higgs Maxwell Workshop

Particle Physics and Cosmology in the Age of the LHC

10 February 2010
Royal Society of Edinburgh
22-26 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PQ

A one-day meeting to review the current status of particle and astro-particle physics and the prospects for future discoveries.


The meeting is organised by the Universities of Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Lancaster.


Topics and Agreed Speakers

The Search for Gravitational Waves Jim Hough (Glasgow)
High Energy Cosmic Rays Alan Watson (Leeds)
Developments in Inflationary Cosmology Arjun Berera (Edinburgh)
Eulogy for our friend and colleague Thomas Binoth Zoltan Kunszt (ETH)
Neutrino masses and cosmology Elise Jennings (Durham)
The quantum origin of cosmic structure: Theory and observations Kostas Dimopoulos (Lancaster)
How close are we to a direct detection of Dark Matter? Alex Murphy (Edinburgh)
News from the LHC Albert de Roeck (CERN)

Full timetable is available here

Workshop Organisers

Professor E W N Glover (University of Durham), Dr T Binoth (University of Edinburgh),
Professor A Doyle FRSE (University of Glasgow), Professor P Ratoff (University of Lancaster)


Participants from research groups at the Universities of Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow or Lancaster, please register by sending an email to Linda Wilkinson The cost of refreshments and lunch will get billed directly to your group after the meeting.

Participants from outwith the research groups at the Universities of Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow or Lancaster, please register by sending an email to Linda Wilkinson There is registration fee of £25 pounds sterling, payable in advance, which covers the costs of refreshments and lunch.

Methods of payment:


  1. A pounds sterling cheque made payable to Durham University drawn on a U.K. bank, or an international bank draft drawn on a U.K. Bank. Cheques should be sent to Linda Wilkinson at the address below.
  2. By credit card.
    Please complete the credit card form which can be printed out, and e-mail, fax or mail to-

    Linda Wilkinson

    Postal address:
    University of Durham,
    Department of Physics, Rochester Building,
    Science Site, South Road

    Telephone: +44 (0)191 3343811

    e-mail: l.a.wilkinson@durham.ac.uk

    Fax: +44 (0) 191 3343658

logounidurham-new fp-crest glasgow lancasteruniversity