Tutorial on Writing Simple Event Generators and the Les Houches Accord

P. Richardson,
Theory Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland.

Table of Contents

1  Introduction

The aim of this tutorial is to enable people to write their own simple parton-level generators and interface them to either HERWIG [1, 2] or PYTHIA [3, 4] via the Les Houches Accord. It contains both the information you need to construct a simple parton-level Monte Carlo event generator and the necessary information needed to use the Les Houches Accord. After reviewing the Monte Carlo technique we will discuss how combine the calculation of the phase space and matrix element to produce a program to generate parton-level events. We will then discuss how to combine this with the general purpose event generators.

2  Monte Carlo Technique

The Monte Carlo procedure is based on the following result. For a simple one-dimensional integral,
The average, á f(x) ñ, can be approximated by calculating f(x) at N randomly chosen points, in the interval (x1,x2), i.e.
giving an estimate, of the average. This method is particularly useful as we can also calculate an error on the estimate by computing the standard deviation and applying the central limit theorem

The convergence of this method for numerically evaluating the integral goes as 1/N1/2 with the number of function evaluations, N. This is slower than other commonly used techniques for numerical integration, e.g. the trapezium rule converges as 1/N2 and Simpson's rule as 1/N4. While the convergence of these other methods becomes far slower for higher dimensional integrals, e.g. the trapezium rule converges as 1/N2/d and Simpson's rule as 1/N4/d where d is the dimension of the integral, the Monte Carlo method will always converge as 1/N1/2.

Hence for the performance of high-dimensional integrals the Monte Carlo technique is more efficient. This is particularly important in particle physics where we need to perform high dimensional phase-space integrals. The Monte Carlo procedure is also well suited to integrating over complex regions, which are difficult with other methods, and often occur in particle physics, e.g. due to experimental cuts. Another advantage of this method is that we can evaluate a number of different quantities, e.g. differential distributions, at the same time whereas with other methods each distribution would have to be calculated separately.

In practice we always generate the integration variable uniformly between its limits. This allows us to construct a weight
which will average to give the integral we are calculating. Often we will make a change of integration variables so that the variance is reduced and the integral converges faster towards the true answer.

In general we will split the weight into a number of pieces which are multiplied together at the end in which case we will often combine the part of the weight coming from the integration limits and the phase-space factors and compute this separately to the matrix element piece which contains information specific to the process we are generating.

Another useful property of the Monte Carlo procedure is that we can generate unweighted events, i.e. processes that occur with the same probability as in nature. To do this all we need to do is compare the weight we calculate for a specific phase-space point with a random number uniformly distributed between zero and the maximum possible weight. If the weight is bigger than the random number we keep that phase-space configuration as an unweighted event. This is particularly useful in particle physics as we can then pass the unweighted events through a simulation of the detector and compare predictions with data.

In the next section we will discuss how to write a simple parton-level generator followed by a discussion of how to run this with either HERWIG or PYTHIA.

3  Parton Level

The first thing we need in order to construct any Monte Carlo program is a random number generator. You may have your own program for this or you can get the random number generator from HERWIG, (see Appendix B.1.) The next thing is to decide how to construct the program. The best way to start is with a simple main program and a routine to calculate the weight for the integral of the matrix element. This routine will first generate a phase-space point and then calculate the matrix element at that phase-space point. This program should specify the basic input parameters. In our case there are a number of parameters: There are a number of ways we could specify these parameters, however as we will be using the Les Houches Accord to pass events to an event generator eventually the best option is to specify these via the Les Houches run common block, you can get the code for this common block in Appendix B.2.

At this point we only need to specify: It is often useful to set certain cuts at this point, for example a cut on the partonic centre-of-mass energy for resonance production or the rapidity for heavy quark production at this point. You may also wish to decide which processes to generate, so that for example only the leptonic decays of the resonance are included. An example program with this done is described in Appendix B.4.

The next step is to calculate the masses, couplings and widths of any new particles predicted by the model we are simulating. We will be using the Little Higgs Model as an example and therefore you need a routine to calculate the particle properties in this model. The model and how to do this are discussed in Appendix A.

The next thing is to decide how to generate the phase space for the process you are interested in. We will consider 2®2 scattering processes. In practice for these processes in hadron-hadron collisions there are two phase-space mappings which are likely to be useful. The first is designed to smooth out any resonances and rises at small values of the parton-parton centre-of-mass energy due to photon exchange while the second is useful for QCD type processes.

In the Little Higgs model there are examples of both type of process, i.e. the resonant production of new heavy gauge bosons followed by their decay to Standard Model fermion-antifermion pairs and the production either singly or in pairs of the new heavy top quark predicted by the model.

In the following section there are instructions on how to write an event generator for these processes.

I'm sorry but I've only written the resonances so far. I'll try and add the heavy top production soon.

3.1  Resonance Production

In this section we will discuss how to write an event generator for resonance production. We start by discussing how to generate the phase space and then how to calculate the matrix element.

3.1.1  Phase Space

The cross section for a 2®2 scattering process in hadron-hadron collisions can be written as
for the process 12®34 where s^ is the parton centre-of-mass energy squared, p1,2 are the 4-momenta of the incoming particles, p3,4 are the 4-momenta of the outgoing particles, Ei is the energy of the ith particle, x1,2 are the fractions of the momenta of the incoming beam particles carried by the incoming partons, fi(xi) are the parton distribution functions and åspins |M|12®342 is the matrix element squared for the process averaged over the spins and colours of the incoming particles and summed over the spins and colours of the outgoing particles.

First we perform the integral over the 3-momentum of p4 and reexpress the integral over the momentum of p3 in terms of the magnitude of the three-momentum p in the centre-of mass frame, the angle with respect to the beam q and azimuthal angle f. This gives
We can write the argument of the d-function as
where we have used the fact that in the centre-of-mass frame the 3-momentum of the two outgoing particles must have equal magnitude. If we differentiate we get
This gives
Therefore the differential cross section becomes
We can then make one final transformation using
Therefore the cross section becomes
Now how do we perform the integrals? As we are relying on the Monte Carlo method we will compute a weight such that the average value of the weight gives the integral. The key point is how to distribute the variables for each integral.

Let's consider this piece by piece:
  1. The angular integrals are trivial we will pick a value of f randomly between 0 and 2p and cosq randomly between -1 and 1. Therefore the weight of the angular part of the integral is 4p.

  2. The tricky part is how to distribute the values of s^. Here we are assuming that there will be peaks in s^ either when massive intermediate particles are on mass-shell or s^ goes to zero due to photon diagrams.

    First we need to impose some minimum value of s^ to regulate the integral so we are performing the integral
    where smin^ is the minimum value of s^ and s is the centre-of-mass energy squared of the hadron-hadron collision. In order to smooth the peaks in the integrand it is useful to define a function
    where wi is a weight between zero and one such that åi wi=1 and
    In practice we will use two types of function:
    1. The first is designed to smooth out a Breit-Wigner resonance
      where Gi is width of the resonance and Mi is its mass;
    2. While the second is designed to smooth out the rise in the cross section due to photon exchange at small centre-of-mass energies
      where ai is the power for the smoothing, in practice ai=2 is usually a good choice. The value of ai should always be chosen to be less than 1 in the mapping we are using.
    Having defined this function we can rewrite the integral over s^ as
    The order of the sum and integral can be exchanged giving
    Given this result how to we go about calculating the integral?
    1. First we use the weights wi to select one of the terms in the series. To do this we:
      1. Generate a random number between 0 and 1;
      2. Compare this random number with the first weight;
      3. If the random number is less than this weight then we select this channel, otherwise we subtract the weight for this channel from the random number and go on to the next channel;
      4. Repeat the previous step until we have selected one of the channels.
      This procedure is designed to pick a given channel, i, with probability given by wi.

    2. Perform a transformation to smooth the behaviour of that term.
      1. If we are smoothing a Breit-Wigner distribution we define
        This gives
        We can then generate ri uniformly between and . The value of s^ can be calculated from ri using
        The weight for the integral is then obtained by replacing dri with the difference in the limits which will cancel with the denominator giving 1.

      2. If we are smoothing a power law we define
        This gives
        We then generate ri uniformly between s1-ai and s^min1-ai. The value of s^ can then be calculated from ri using
        The weight for the integral is then obtained by replacing dri with the difference in the limits which will cancel with the denominator giving 1.
    3. Having generated s^ as described above we can compute the value of f(s^). This allows us to compute the weight for the s^ integral, i.e.
    Let us now consider the Little Higgs model. In this model we may wish to simulate the resonant production of either the additional heavy W bosons or the additional heavy Z and photon. Let us consider these two cases separately: At the moment I have only written the code for the second case and therefore you should do that one.

  3. This only leaves the value of the momentum fraction x1 to be generated. The easiest way to generate the momentum fraction is to perform a transformation on the integral giving
    where r=lnx1. Therefore we randomly generate r between ln(s^/s) and 0. We can then obtain the value of x1 using x1=expr. The weight of the integral is -ln(s^/s).
If we put all this together then the weight for the integrals is
we need to combine this with the remaining phase-space factors.
You should now be able to write the code for this part of the process and add it to your program. At this point you also have enough information to calculate the PDFs and therefore you should call this code here. In order to do this you need to calculate the momentum fraction for the second incoming particle x2=s^/(sx1). An example program is given in Appendix B.6. It should be noted that we have chosen to include part of the the phase-space factors with the matrix element. There are two reasons for this: This only leaves the matrix element part of the total weight to calculate
We will discuss the calculation of this in the next section.

3.1.2  Matrix Element

We can write the general matrix element for the process ff_® f'f'_ via the exchange of an s-channel spin-1 gauge boson as follows
where t^=(p1-p3)2, u^=(p1-p4)2, m3,4 are the masses of the outgoing particles and the couplings are defined to be2
where the sum runs over all the gauge bosons which can contribute to the process, Mi is the mass of the boson, Gi is the width of the boson, g1L,R is the coupling of the gauge boson to the incoming fermions and g2L,R is the coupling of the gauge boson to the outgoing fermions. These couplings are given in Table 1 for the Little Higgs model.

We are now able to calculate the matrix element part of the weight. For the production of the neutral gauge bosons we can economize on the number of channels we need to calculate in the following way. First the matrix elements for all incoming down type quarks will be the same, as will the matrix elements for all incoming up type quarks. We then need the matrix element for all the different Standard Model fermions as outgoing particles.

So we will start by looping over the two different types of incoming particle, i.e. dd_ and uu_. We will then loop over the final-state particles. For each combination we will first check whether s^>(m3+m4)2. If this is true we need to calculate the matrix element, if s^<(m3+m4)2 the mode is kinematically forbidden. We start by using the couplings given in Table 1 and the masses and widths of the gauge bosons to compute the couplings gab as complex numbers.

We can then compute the magnitude of the momentum of the outgoing particles in the centre-of-mass frame using
to compute the centre-of-mass momentum of the outgoing particles. The values of t^ and u^ can then be computed using
where Ei=(pcm2+mi2)1/2. You can now combine the couplings and the kinematic variables to compute the matrix element.

All that remains is to is combine the matrix element with the parton distribution functions. Again we can use a trick improve efficiency. We have computed the matrix element for qq_® ff_ and the weight for this is
Where we have still to include the PDF factors. This is the weight of a quark from the first beam and an antiquark from the second beam. We also need the weight for an antiquark from the first beam and a quark from the second beam. In principle we should recompute the matrix element with the opposite value of cosq because changing the order of beams is equivalent to changing the sign of cosq. In practice we will use the same matrix element but use the opposite sign of cosq when we reconstruct the momenta. We must remember that we have only calculated the matrix element for either dd_ or uu_ initiated production. Therefore as well as multiplying by the PDFs for the type of quark we have used we must also use the other quarks of the same type, i.e. ss_ and bb_ as well as dd_ if we started with the matrix element for dd_ initiated production. Therefore when we combine with the PDFs to produce the total matrix element part of the weight we should have
for a quark from the first beam and
for an antiquark from the first beam. You should remember when constructing this weight that the PDF routines will return xf(x) and not include it twice.

In total we should have the matrix element weight for: It is good practice to both add all of these up to calculate the total matrix element weight and store the values for each case in an array.

Having done this the only remaining thing to do is calculate the total weight by multiplying by the phase-space part of the weight. We must remember that this weight is in GeV-2 and convert it to some more suitable units. The Les Houches Accord states we should supply cross sections in picobarn so we must multiply by the conversion constant 3.89379×108 GeV2pb.

You can now compute the total cross section and its error by generating a number of weights. The average will be an estimate of the cross section and s/N1/2 an estimate of the statistic error, where s is the standard deviation. This is described in the introduction. A version of the example program including this is described in Appendix B.7.

At this point we can also produce histograms of interesting quantities. An interesting example is to fill a histogram with s^1/2 on the x-axis and the weights on the y-axis and only generate e+e- as the outgoing particles. If you divide the contents of each bin by the total number of weights and the size of the bins then you have a plot of the differential cross section with respect to s^1/2. An example of this is shown in Fig.1 from the example program together with the Standard Model result from HERWIG with the same Standard Model parameters.

Figure 1: 1/sds/ds^1/2 for the production of e+e- with f=2 TeV and q=q'=p/4 at the LHC. The black line is the result of the example program and the red line the result from HERWIG for the Standard Model with the same Standard Model parameters. The first plot shows the agreement in the low mass region whereas the second plot shows the new AH and ZH resonances at 316 GeV and 1.3 TeV respectively.

3.1.3  Generation of the Momenta

As a final step if we want to use the code as an event generator we must assign both a momentum configuration and the particle types.

The momenta of the incoming particles are given by
where we have assumed the hadron-hadron collision is occurring in the hadron-hadron centre-of-mass frame and the four-vectors have the form (px,py,pz,E), which is commonly used in event generators. The event generators often have a fifth component in the vector which gives the mass of the particle and it is useful for us to do this as well.

We also need to select the types of the incoming and outgoing particles. We can do this in a similar way to the one we used at the beginning to select which of the integration channels to use. We start by generating a random number between 0 and 1. We need to define a new variable, PW, which is the matrix element part of the weight multiplied by this the random number.

We can then loop over all the weights for the particular incoming and outgoing particles, and order of the incoming quark and antiquark. For each case we compare PW with the weight of the given channel. If PW is less than the weight for the channel we select that channel otherwise we subtract the weight of the channel from PW and keep going. Eventually we will have selected a particular channel. We then have the identities of the incoming particles and outgoing particles. We must change the sign of cosq if the first incoming particle is an antiquark.

We then need to calculate the momenta of the outgoing particles. We first need their momenta in the centre-of-mass frame which is given by
where m3,4 are the masses of the outgoing particles. The momenta of the outgoing particles are then given by
These momenta need to be boosted from the parton-parton centre-of-mass frame to the centre-of-mass frame of the hadron-hadron collision. A simple set of routines to do this can be found in Appendix B.8. We will discuss how to put these events in the Les Houches event common block in the next section either for parton-level analyzes or as a prelude to interfacing with the general purpose event generators in the next section.

3.2  t-channel Production

I will hopefully add a t-channel example soon

3.3  Entering Particles in the Les Houches Event Common Block

We now know both the momenta of all the particles and their identities. In order to do any form of analysis we would now want to use these momenta to look at physical quantities. This means we need to pass momenta and particle identities to an analysis routine.

There are many ways we could do this but the best one for our purposes is to use the Les Houches Accord event common block. The code for this can be found in Appendix B.9.

We should first set the total number of particles NUP to the number of particles. In the resonant production example this will be 5 as we will add the intermediate resonance as an extra particle while for the t-channel example it will only be 4.

First we enter the incoming bean particles we should therefore: For the resonance production we need to add the resonance to the event record in the following way: We then need to add the outgoing particles in next two free entries in the common block in the following way: In order to use the general purpose event generators we also need to define a colour flow. This is discussed in more detail in [7]. As we are only dealing we the simplest case at the moment the colour flow pointers should be set such that ICOLUP(2,I) for the incoming antiquark and ICOLUP(1,I) for the incoming quark are set to the same value, it does not matter what this value is as long as it is non-zero. Similarly if the outgoing particles are coloured their pointers should be set in the same way to a different non-zero integer. All the other values of ICOLUP should be zero.

We now have a simple parton-level generator that we could use to do parton-level analyzes, an example of this program is discussed in Appendix B.10. Rather than discuss the use of this program in detail we will now go on and interface this to one of the general-purpose event generators for a full simulation of the event.

4  Interfacing with General Purpose Generators

We have now written a program which is capable of generating parton-level events. This need to be interfaced with one of the general-purpose event generators. In order to do this we need to do two things:
  1. Unweight the events;
  2. Pass them to the generator.
There are two ways to do each of these. We can either unweight the events ourselves and then pass them to the event generator, or we can passed the events with a weight and leave the unweighting to the event generator. Similarly we can either output the events as a file and then read the file into the event generator or we can directly link the code with the event generator. We will discuss both of these options.

4.1  Linking with the Generator

If we wish to link directly with the generator then the easiest thing is to let the generator handle the unweighting of the events. In that case we need to modify the main program into an initialization subroutine, this routine should be called UPINIT. This subroutine should calculate a reasonable number of events, say 10000, to get an initial estimate of the cross section and the error. It should also keep track of what the maximum value of the weight was.

We can then use this information to set up the event generation via the Les Houches Accord run common block. We need to set: We also need a routine which will be called to generate an event, UPEVNT. In our case all this routine need to is call your routine to calculate the weight and set the value of XWGTUP in the Les Houches event common block to the weight.

You are now ready to link your code with one of the general purpose event generators. You will need either HERWIG which is available from
or PYTHIA which is available from
You should remove the dummy Les Houches Accord subroutines UPINIT and UPEVNT as well as the dummy PDFLIB subroutines PDFSET and STRUCTM from these programs and then compile and link them with your code. An example program to do this is described in Appendix B.11.

4.2  Outputting the Events as a File

I'll try and write this soon

5  Conclusions

Hopefully you have found this tutorial useful. If you have any problems or question them please let me know.

A  Little Higgs Model

We will use the Little Higgs Model as an example, using the formalism given in [8]. In order to specify the properties of this model we need to define a number of additional parameters:
  1. In the Little Higgs model there are new U(1) and SU(2) gauge groups. The mixing of the gauge couplings for these groups with the normal Standard Model groups must be specified. In practice this amounts to specifying the mixing angles s=sinq for the SU(2) group and s'=sinq' for the U(1) group.
  2. The symmetry breaking scale f and the vacuum expectation value for the breaking of the new groups, v'. These can be roughly related to the Standard Model VEV by v'/v£ v/4f.
  3. The couplings in the Higgs sector6 which can be traded for the Higgs mass and VEVs.

  4. The new top Yukawa coupling which can be replaced by the mass of the heavy top quark, MT.
In order to use this model we need to calculate the properties of the particles from these parameters and the parameters of the Standard Model. You should start with a piece of code that specifies the parameters: We can then calculate the other parameters, couplings and particle properties. We need

B  ../code

This appendix describes the various pieces of code which are supplied as either examples of how to code particular pieces of the generator or as utilities help with writing the generator. These are all available from
A Makefile is also supplied which should build any of the example programs described in the text.

B.1  random.f

The program random.f contains the random number generator from the HERWIG Monte Carlo event generator together with some other useful routines. A brief description of the routines and their arguments can be found in Table 2 or by looking at the code.

Name Type Use Arguments
RANGEN Function Returns a random number Dummy integer
    between 0 and 1  
RANSET Function Allows the setting of the seeds Two integer seeds
    (function output is a dummy)  
RANGET Function Returns the current seeds  
    (function output is a dummy, Two integer seeds
    arguments are output seeds)  
RANINT Function Returns a random integer Dummy integer,
    lower and upper limits
RANUNI Function Returns a random double Dummy integer,
    lower and upper limits
    (double precision)

Table 2: Subroutines and functions in the file random.f together with their uses and arguments.

B.2  Les Houches Run Common Block

The Les Houches run common block controls the information which is the same for all the events, for example the beam energies. The common block can be found below.
C--Les Houches run common block
     &                XMAXUP(MAXPUP),LPRUP(MAXPUP)
The information you will need for simple processes is described in the main text. More detailed information can be found in [7].

B.3  pdf.F

The block of code pdf.F, contains a simple subroutine to calculate the PDFs. It uses the internal PDFs from PYTHIA, HERWIG or PDFLIB to calculate the PDFs. The main subroutine PDF takes as inputs the scale at which the PDFs should be evaluated and the momentum fractions of the two incoming partons. It returns an array DISFB(13,2) which contains the parton distribution functions. The first argument gives the type of parton, see Table 3, and the second index gives the beam particle. There are also dummy subroutines in case PDFLIB is not used.

Code Particle Code Particle
1 d 7 d_
2 u 8 u_
3 s 9 s_
4 c 10 c_
5 b 11 b_
6 t 12 t_
13 g    

Table 3: Particle codes in PDF routine.

The code may be compiled with a number of options: In each case the correct code must be linked. This means a version of either HERWIG or PYTHIA with the dummy PDFLIB routines PDFSET and STRUCTM removed.

B.4  Zgen1.f

The file Zgen1.f contains an example program and the beginning of the subroutine to calculate the weights for the events. The main program only sets the beam properties in the Les Houches run common block, some simple phase-space cuts and which type of final-state fermions to generate.

B.5  little.f

The file little.f contains a subroutine which uses the parameters of the Standard Model and Little Higgs model to calculate the couplings, masses and widths needed to simulate the Little Higgs model as described in Appendix A. The parameters are explained in the code and the parameters and couplings etc. placed in the common block LHIGGS given below. The variables in the common block are described in Table 4.
C--common block with Liggle Higgs parameters
     &     LAM(2),MZH,MWH,MAH,GL(14,6),GR(14,6),WIDTH(6)

Variable Type Input/ Description
MW Double Input Mass of the W boson
MZ Double Input Mass of the Z boson
MF(12) Double Input Masses of the SM fermions
      (1-6 are the leptons e,ne,µ,nµ,t,nt
      7-12 are the quarks u, d, s, c, b, t)
ALPHA Double Input Electromagnetic Coupling Constant
SW Double Input sinqW
MT Double Input Mass of heavy top Quark
FH Double Input Symmetry breaking scale
THETA Double Input Mixing angle for SU(2) groups, q
THETAP Double Input Mixing angle for U(1) groups, q'
G Double Output Weak coupling
GP Double Output SM U(1) coupling
E Double Output Electric charge
PI Double Output p
CW Double Output cosqW
VEV Double Output Standard Model VEV ,v
VEVP Double Output New VEV , v'
ST Double Output sinq
CT Double Output cosq
STP Double Output sinq'
CTP Double Output cosq'
LAM(2) Double Output top quark Yukawa couplings, l1,2
MZH Double Output Heavy Z mass, MZH
MWH Double Output Heavy W mass, MWH
MAH Double Output Heavy Photon Mass, MAH
GL(14,6) Double Output Left couplings of the fermion, gL
      (1-6 are the leptons e,ne,µ,nµ,t,nt
      7-12 are the quarks u, d, s, c, b, t
      13-14 relates to the heavy top TT and Tt)
      (second index 1-6 is g, Z, AH, ZH, W, WH)
GR(14,6) Double Output Right couplings of the fermion, gR
      (1-6 are the leptons e,ne,µ,nµ,t,nt
      7-12 are the quarks u, d, s, c, b, t
      13-14 relates to the heavy top TT and Tt)
      (second index 1-6 is g, Z, AH, ZH, W, WH)
WIDTH(6) Double Output Widths of the gauge bosons
      (1-6 is g, Z, AH, ZH, W, WH)

Table 4: Parameters in the LHIGGS common block.

B.6  Zgen2.f

The program in the file Zgen2.f is designed to calculate the phase-space part of the weight using the techniques described to smooth the resonant phase space. This program will need the code from little.f to calculate the properties of the particles, the random number generators in random.f and the code in pdf.F to calculate the PDFs. As it is using one of the PDFs from PDFLIB it must also be linked to CERNLIB. It can be compiled using the command7
 f77 Zgen2.f little.f random.f pdf.F -DPDFLIB `cernlib pdflib804 mathlib`
If you do not have PDFLIB you can instead specify the default Monte Carlo PDFs by setting PDFGUP(1,2) = -1, PDFSUP(1,2) = -1 in the main program, replacing DPDFLIB with DPYTHIA or DHERWIG and linking with the appropriate generator.8

B.7  Zgen3.f

The program in the file Zgen3.f is designed to calculate both the phase space and matrix element parts of the weight. It needs the simple histogramming package gbook in addition to the same programs and compilation options as Zgen2.f.

B.8  boost.f

The file boost.f contains some simple routine for Lorentz transformations taken from HERWIG. The routines are described in Table 5.

Name Type Use
BSTLOB Subroutine Transforms PI in rest frame
    of PS to PF in the lab frame
BSTLOF Subroutine Transforms PI in lab
    to PF in the rest frame of PS
BSTLB4 Subroutine Performs the same task as
    BSTLOB but PI and PF are 4 not 5 vectors
BSTLF4 Subroutine Performs the same task as
    BSTLOF but PI and PF are 4 not 5 vectors

Table 5: Subroutines in the file boost.f.

B.9  Les Houches Event Common block

The Les Houches event common block contains the information specific to a given event. The common block can be found below.
C--Les Houches  Event Common Block
     &              ICOLUP(2,MAXNUP),PUP(5,MAXNUP),VTIMUP(MAXNUP),
     &              SPINUP(MAXNUP)
The information you will need for simple processes is described in the main test. More detailed information can be found in [7].

B.10  Zgen4.f

The program Zgen4.f is a full parton-level generator. It needs the same code as Zgen3.f.

B.11  Zgen5.f

The program Zgen5.f is a full parton-level generator ready to interface to either HERWIG or PYTHIA. It needs the same code as Zgen3.f and one of the general purpose generators.


G. Corcella et. al., HERWIG 6: An Event Generator for Hadron Emission Reactions with Interfering Gluons (including supersymmetric processes), JHEP 01 (2001) 010, [http://arXiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0011363].

G. Corcella et. al., HERWIG 6.5 Release Note, hep-ph/0210213.

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T. Sjostrand, L. Lonnblad, and S. Mrenna, PYTHIA 6.2: Physics and Manual, http://arXiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0108264.

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As the Monte Carlo event generators are leading-order programs we should use a leading-order PDF set and this is the most recent leading-order set available in PDFLIB.
We can use the same formula for the photon using zero mass and width.
In practice there are no incoming top quarks but it is easier to let the loop run over all six cases than have a special case for top.
The quarks are 1-6, for d, u, s, c, b, t and -1,-6 for the corresponding antiquarks. Similarly for the leptons 11-16 is e,ne,µ,nµ,t,nt and -11,-16 for the antiparticles.
These options only differ in which processes they select if there is more than one and are therefore identical if there is only one process as in our case.
In practice we are not interested in the Higgs sector and therefore we will not set these parameters.
On some older systems the library pdflib804 should be replaced by pdflib
The generators also contain dummy versions of the PDFLIB routines STRUCTM and PDFSET which should be deleted before compiling the generator.

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